Suzuki And Wheeltek Rocked Motobuilds Pilipinas 2016

Suzuki Philippines in partnership with one of its top dealers – Wheeltek Moto Sales Corporation participated at the 2nd Motobuilds Pilipinas, a motorcycle and bike build-up expo fused together with rockin’ music held in Tiendesitas, Pasig on June 11-12, 2016. The event showcased various customized bikes in all sizes with band performances and other exciting surprises for motorcycle riders and enthusiasts.

Considered as two big names in the motorcycle industry – Suzuki and Wheeltek’s participation involved a showcase of the brand’s frontrunner small bikes in MotoGP edition – the global scooter Address, the sporty and fi-powered Raider J115 Fi and the Underbone King – the Raider R150. The best choice for a rider who seeks a powerful ride which can also be easily modified because of readily available parts in the market, chosen customized Raider R150 motorcycles were also presented.

Suzuki and Wheeltek have been partners for more than 4 decades already with the brand as the first choice of the latter in their early beginnings in motorcycle trading business.

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