Suzuki Motorcycles Philippines Honored To Receive Four Awards From C! Magazine

Suzuki Motorcycles Philippines was once again recognized by the highly acknowledge and well known magazines of the country — C! Magazine. After grabbing three awards from its 11th Annual Awards last year, Suzuki Motorcycles now got four this year.  Mr Kevin Limjoco, C! Magazine President personally handover the award to Suzuki Executives Mr. Hiroshi Suzuki, Mr.Jun Bulot and Mr. Norminio Mojica at the head office of Suzuki in Canlubang last Aug. 31, 2016.

Suzuki GSX-S 1000 Naked (Liter Class)


Suzuki Gixxer Best Solo Backbone (150cc)


Suzuki Address 110 FI Scooter (110cc)


Suzuki AX4 Business Model


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